
Windows Services documentation

Use Jquery to presents Windows Services.

NameKeyProcess nameDescriptionStatusComments
Alerter ServiceAlertersvchost.exe -k LocalServiceNotifies selected users and computers of administrative alerts. If the service is stopped, programs that use administrative alerts will not receive them. If this service is disabled, any services that explicitly depend on it will fail to startIf you're part of a network that sends and receives administrative alerts this service is for youDisabled
Application Layer Gateway ServiceALGalg.exeSupport for Internet Connection Sharing and the Internet Connection Firewallstart:manual
Application Management ServiceAppMgmtProcesses requests to enumerate, install, and remove applications that are installed on the computer or deployed through an organization's network.
Automatic Updates ServicewuaUservsvchost.exe -k wugroupEnable the download and installation of critical Windows updatesStart: Automatic.
If the service is stopped, the operating system can be manually updated at the Windows Update Web site.
Background Intelligent Transfer ServiceBITSTransfers files between machines using idle network bandwidth. Used by Windows Update, Windows Server Update Services, and Systems Management Server to deliver software updates to clients, as well as by Windows Messenger.
ClipBook ServiceClipsrvClipsrv.exe Provides support for the Clipbook Viewer, which allows the clipboard of the source machine to be accessed remotely. Status: Disabled
COM+ Event System ServiceEvent Systemsvchost.exe -k netsvcsAutomatic distribution of events to subscribing COM components.Status: Manual
COM+ System Application Service
Computer Browser ServiceBrowserCollects the names of NetBIOS resources on the network, creating a list so that it can participate as a master browser or basic browser (one that takes part in browser elections).This maintained list of resources (computers) is displayed in Network Neighborhood and Server Manager. If disabled you can still map drives, but can't browse the whole network.Automatic.
If the machine is not connected to a LAN (stand-alone), or will not participate as a master browser or take part in elections, then feel free to change the status to manual (or disabled)
This does not equate to disabling TCP/IP so internet browsing is still possible.
Cryptographic Services ServiceManagement of Certification Authority certificates. Driver Catalog Database, Protected Root and Key certificate Services.
DCOM Server Process LauncherDcomLaunchLaunch DCOM services
DHCP Client Servicesvchost.exe -k netsvcsManages network configuration by registering and updating IP addresses and DNS namesThis is how your computer gets a Dynamic IP address so you can connect to the internet. If Internet Connection Sharing is enabled, you need DHCP Client. Also required for most DSL/Cable connections.Recommended Setting: Automatic
Distributed Link Tracking Client ServiceTrkWks, TrkSrvsvchost.exe -k netsvcsUsed to track links to files on NTFS volumes. Windows uses these services to find linked files if they are renamed or moved (locally or to another machine)
Distributed Transaction Coordinator ServiceMSDTCAllows transactional components to be configured through COM+ by coordinating transactions that are distributed across multiple computers and/or resource managers, such as databases, message queues, file systems, and other transaction-based resource managers
DNS Client Servicesvchost.exe -k NetworkServiceResolves and caches Domain Name System (DNS) names for this computer. If this service is stopped, this computer will not be able to resolve DNS names and locate Active Directory domain controllers. If this service is disabled, any services that explicitly depend on it will fail to start.As the description above states, it caches Domain Name System (DNS) names for this computer. If disabled, it simply means the system will go upstream to resolve DNS names rather than use the cache.You dont need of this service, then the recommended setting is Disabled
Error Reporting ServiceErsvcsvchost.exeReport errors back to Microsoft in Redmond. Set to Disable
Event Log ServiceEventLogStores and retrieves events that can be viewed in the event viewer.
Fast User Switching Compatibility Service
Fax ServiceFaxfaxsvc.exeSend and receive faxesAutomatic or Manual
Help and Support Servicehelpsvcsvchost.exeHelp and Support Center Automatic.
If stopped the help system will stop working
HID Input Service
HTTP SSLHTTPFiltersvchost.exeSupport for HTTPS (Secure Socket Layer) websites such as banking and e-commerceManual
IMAPI CD-Burning COM ServiceImapiServiceimapi.exeCD-Rom Burning Manual
If you have problems changing to Automatic may help
Indexing ServiceCISVCIndexes contents and properties of files on local and remote computers; provides rapid access to files through flexible querying language
Internet Connection - Firewall (ICF) / Sharing (ICS) Service
IPSEC Services ServiceManage IP security policy and starts the ISAKMP/Oakley (IKE) and the IP security driverAutomatic.
May be changed to Manual if IPSec is not needed.
License Logging Service (Server)LicenseService Llssrv.exeLicense tracking on a server or DC (Domain Controller)If disabled then licensing status alerts will not be generated
Logical Disk Manager ServiceDmserverservices.exe or svchost.exRequired by the MMC Disk Management plug-inAutomatic
Logical Disk Manager Administrative ServiceDmadmindmadmin.exe /comAdministrative service for disk management requestsManual
Machine Debug Manager Service
Messenger ServiceMessengerAllows users to send pop-up messages to other computers over the network
MS Software Shadow Copy Provider Serviceswprvdllhost.exe Microsoft Backup Utility Manual
Disable if you never use Shadow Copy features.
Message Queuingmqsvc.exeMessage Queuing
Message Queuing Triggersmqtgsvc.exeMessage Queuing
Net Logon ServiceNetlogonLsass.exe
(Local Security Authority Subsystem)
Network Authentication: maintains a synced domain directory database between the PDC and BDC(s), handles authentication of respective accounts on the DCs, and authenticates domain accounts on networked machinesAutomatic For stand-alone machines never connected to a domain set to Manual.
NetMeeting Remote Desktop Sharing ServiceNmnsrvcmnmsrvc.exeAllows authorized people to remotely access your Windows desktop using NetMeetingStatus: Manual
A good idea to Disable unless you plan to allow remote connections
Network Connections ServiceNetmansvchost.exe -k netsvcsManage objects in the Network and Dial-Up Connections folder (LAN and remote connections.)Status: Manual
Network DDE ServiceNetDDENetdde.exeSupport the network transport of DDE (Dynamic Data Exchange) connections.Requires Network DDE DSDM to be started. See Clipbook service
Network DDE DSDM ServiceNetDDEdsdmNetdde.exeManage shared DDE conversations (from shares like: \\computername\ndde$).See Clipbook serviceStatus: Disabled
Network Location Awareness (NLA) ServiceNLAsvchost.exeManages network configurations and information, and notifies applications of changesStatus: Disabled
Network Provisioning Servicexmlprovsvchost.exeManage XML configuration files on a domain basisStatus: Manual
NT LM Security Support Provider ServiceNTLMSSPUses the NTLM MS-CHAP protocol to encapsulate and negotiate options in order to provide signed and sealed communication. Deprecated now in favor of Kerberos authentication
Performance Logs and Alerts ServicesysmonLogsmlogsvc.exeConfigure performance logs and alertsStatus: Manual.
May be disabled if the alerts are not needed
Plug and Play ServicePlugPlayServices.exePlug and Play. Do not disable this serviceStatus: Automatic
Portable Media Serial Number ServiceWmdmPmSNsvchost.exe Retrieves the serial number of any portable media player connected to this computer.Status: Manual
Disable if you never use DRM music devices
Print Spooler ServiceSpoolerManages printer devices and moves files into memory for printing
Protected Storage ServiceProtectedStoragePstores.exeEncrypt and store secure info: SSL certificates, passwords for Outlook, Outlook Express, Profile Assistant, MS Wallet, and digitally signed S/MIME keysStatus: Automatic
QoS RSVP Servicersvprsvp.exe -sStatus: Manual
Remote Access Auto Connection Manager Service
Remote Access Connection Manager Service
Remote Desktop Help Session Manager Service
Remote Procedure Call (RPC) ServiceRpcSs Provides Remote Procedure Call (RPC) technique via remotely accessible Named Pipes
Remote Procedure Call (RPC) Locator ServiceRpcLocatorLocator.exe Maintain the RPC name server database, requires the RPC service (below) to be started. Database of available server applications.Status: Manual
Remote Registry Service
Removable Storage ServiceNtmssvcsvchost.exe -k netsvcsManage removable media, drives, and libraries.Stauts: Manual
Routing and Remote Access ServiceAllow incoming connections via dial in or VPN. (WAN Routing)
ScriptBlocking Service
Secondary Logon ServiceseclogonAllows users to run programs with a different account than the one they logged in with. Allows non-administrative accounts to perform administrative tasks.
Security Accounts Manager ServiceSamSsManages user account security information
Security Center
Server Service
Shell Hardware Detection Service
Smart Card Service
Smart Card Helper Service
SSDP Discovery Service
System Event Notification ServiceSENSMonitors system events, such as network, power, logon, logoff, terminal services session connection and disconnection, and delivers these to applications and other system components.
System Restore Service
Task Scheduler ServiceScheduleLets users setup and schedule automated tasks
TCP/IP NetBIOS Helper ServiceLmHostsEnables support for NetBIOS over TCP/IP (NetBT) service and NetBIOS name resolution
Telephony Service
Telnet ServiceTlntSvrtlntsvr.exeEnables a remote user to log on to this computer and run programs, and supports various TCP/IP Telnet clients, including UNIX-based and Windows-based computers. If this service is stopped, remote user access to programs might be unavailable. If this service is disabled, any services that explicitly depend on it will fail to start.Status: Disabled
Terminal Services Service
Themes Service
Uninterruptible Power Supply Service
Universal Plug and Play Device Host Service
Upload Manager Service
Volume Shadow Copy ServiceVSSCreate multiple versions of files that change. Gained ability to store persistent snapshots in Windows Server 2003
WebClient ServiceWebClientsvchost.exe Allow access to web-resident disk storage from an ISP. WebDAV 'internet disks' such as Apple's iDisk.Automatic
If not required may be disabled
Windows Audio ServiceAudioSrvManages audio devices for Windows-based programs. Controls all audio functions
Windows Firewall/Internet Connection Sharing (ICS)SharedAccesssvchost.exe -k netsvcsInternet Connection Sharing (Firewall)
Windows Image Acquisition (WIA) Servicestisvcsvchost.exe Required for some but not all cameras, scanners, and digital video camerasManual
Windows Installer ServiceMSIServer MsiExec.exe /V Install, repair and remove software according to instructions contained in .MSI filesManual
Windows Management Instrumentation ServiceWinMgmtC:\WINNT\System32\WBEM\WinMgmt.exeWMI provides system management informationAutomatic
Windows Management Instrumentation Driver ExtensionsWmisvchost.exe Provides systems management information to and from driversManual
Windows Time ServiceW32TimeSynchronizes the system time with external time servers. From Windows Server 2003 forward, full and compliant NTP support is provided
Wireless Zero Configuration ServiceWZCSvcConfigures and manages 802.11 wireless adapters
WMI Performance Adapter ServiceWmiApSrvwmiapsrv.exe Collect performance library informationManual
Workstation ServicelanmanworkstationServices.exe Communications and network connections.Services dependent on this being started: Alerter, Messenger, and Net LogonAutomatic

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