User Agent jQuery.boxModel Boolean jQuery.boxModel Deprecated in jQuery 1.3 (see States if the current page, in the user's browser, is being rendered using the W3C CSS Box Model.
User Agent jQuery.browser Map jQuery.browser We recommend against using this property, please try to use feature detection instead (see Contains flags for the useragent, read from navigator.userAgent. While jQuery.browser will not be removed from future versions of jQuery, every effort to use and proper feature detection should be made.
User Agent jQuery.browser.version String jQuery.browser.version The version number of the rendering engine for the user's browser.
Data .clearQueue( [ queueName ] ) jQuery - New 1.4 Remove from the queue all items that have not yet been run
Array and Object operations jQuery.contains( container, contained ) Boolean jQuery.contains( container, contained ) New 1.4 Check to see if a DOM node is within another DOM node.
Data element, key, value ) jQuery - Store arbitrary data associated with the specified element.
Data element, key ) Object - Returns value at named data store for the element, as set by, name, value), or the full data store for the element.
Data Object New 1.4 Returns value at named data store for the element, as set by, name, value), or the full data store for the element.
Data .dequeue( [ queueName ] ) jQuery .dequeue( [ queueName ] ) Execute the next function on the queue for the matched elements
Data jQuery.dequeue([ queueName ]) jQuery jQuery.dequeue([ queueName ]) Execute the next function on the queue for the matched elements
Array and Object operations jQuery.each( collection, callback(indexInArray, valueOfElement) ) Object jQuery.each( collection, callback(indexInArray, valueOfElement) ) A generic iterator function, which can be used to seamlessly iterate over both objects and arrays. Arrays and array-like objects with a length property (such as a function's arguments object) are iterated by numeric index, from 0 to length-1. Other objects are iterated via their named properties.
Array and Object operations jQuery.extend( target, [ object1 ], [ objectN ] ) Object jQuery.extend( target, [ object1 ], [ objectN ] ) Merge the contents of two or more objects together into the first object.
Array and Object operations jQuery.extend( [ deep ], target, object1, [ objectN ] ) Object jQuery.extend( [ deep ], target, object1, [ objectN ] ) Merge the contents of two or more objects together into the first object.
Array and Object operations jQuery.grep( array, function(elementOfArray, indexInArray), [ invert ] ) Array jQuery.grep( array, function(elementOfArray, indexInArray), [ invert ] ) Finds the elements of an array which satisfy a filter function. The original array is not affected.
Custom jQuery.globalEval( code ) - jQuery.globalEval( code ) Execute some JavaScript code globally.
Array and Object operations jQuery.inArray( value, array ) Number jQuery.inArray( value, array ) Determine the index of the first parameter in the Array (-1 if not found)
Array and Object operations jQuery.isArray( obj ) Boolean jQuery.isArray( obj ) Determine whether the argument is an array.
Custom jQuery.isEmptyObject( object ) Boolean jQuery.isEmptyObject( object ) New 1.4 Check to see if an object is empty (contains no properties).
Test operations jQuery.isFunction( obj ) Boolean jQuery.isFunction(obj) Determine if the argument passed is a Javascript function object.
Test operations jQuery.isPlainObject( obj ) Boolean jQuery.isPlainObject(obj) Check to see if an object is a plain object (created using '{}' or 'new Object').
Test operations jQuery.isXMLDoc( node ) Boolean jQuery.isXMLDoc(node) Check to see if a DOM node is within an XML document (or is an XML document).
Array and Object operations jQuery.makeArray( obj ) Array jQuery.makeArray( obj ) Convert an array-like object into a true JavaScript array.
Array and Object operations array, callback(elementOfArray, indexInArray) ) Array array, callback(elementOfArray, indexInArray) ) Translate all items in an array or array-like object to another array of items.
Array and Object operations jQuery.merge( first, second ) Array jQuery.merge( first, second ) Merge the contents of two arrays together into the first array.
Array and Object operations jQuery.noop() Function jQuery.noop() New 1.4 An empty function.
Event Helpers jQuery.proxy( function, scope ) jQuery jQuery.proxy( function, scope ) New 1.4 Takes a function and returns a new one that will always have a particular scope.
Event Helpers jQuery.proxy( scope, name ) jQuery jQuery.proxy( scope, name ) New 1.4 Takes a function and returns a new one that will always have a particular scope.
Data .queue( [ queueName ] ) Array - Show the queue of functions to be executed on the matched elements
Data .queue( [ queueName ], newQueue ) jQuery - Manipulate the queue of functions to be executed on the matched elements
Data jQuery.queue( [ queueName ] ) Array - Show the queue of functions to be executed on the matched elements
Data jQuery.queue( [ queueName ], newQueue ) jQuery - Manipulate the queue of functions to be executed on the matched elements.
Data jQuery.queue( [ queueName ], callback() ) jQuery - Manipulate the queue of functions to be executed on the matched elements.
Data jQuery.removeData( [ name ] ) jQuery - Remove a previously-stored piece of data.
Array and Object operations Object A collection of properties that represent the presence of different browser features or bugs.
String operations jQuery.trim( str ) String jQuery.trim( str ) Remove the whitespace from the beginning and end of a string.
Array and Object operations jQuery.unique( array ) Array jQuery.unique( array ) Create a copy of an array of DOM elements with the duplicates removed. Note that this only works on arrays of DOM elements, not strings or numbers.